Setiap orang pernah lalu fasa kegagalan. Tanyalah someone yang kita nampak berjaya hari ni. Mesti dia akan cakap dulu dia pernah gagal dan lalu fasa rasa teruk. Namun dia bangkit semula dan buat lebih baik.
Scott Adams membawa satu pandangan yang menarik tentang kegagalan. Dalam buku dia bertajuk How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, dia bercerita fasa kehidupan dia dari nothing kepada menjadi somebody in market. Jalan yang tak senang namun possible.
Bagi yang tak kenal siapa Scott Adams ni, dia merupakan orang yang create dan lukis Dilbert.
Banyak cerita dia yang melekat. Kali ni saya nak kongsikan tentang Scott Adam pula.
Masa tahun 2005, Scott Adam diuji dengan tak boleh bercakap dengan orang. Asal nak cakap je mesti kelu. Asal nak berborak je mesti sepatah dua perkataan keluar dari mulut dia. Doktor dia sampai referkan dia kepada psychologist dah. Tapi kalau dia cakap seorang diri ataupun dengan kucing, okay je tak ada masalah pun.
Disebabkan kartun Dilbert yang dia lukis mendapat sambutan, of course lah dia dapat jemputan untuk talk. So ada satu masa tu dia agak risau. Ye lah tak boleh bercakap. Tak kan nak bisu je atas pentas nanti.
Dia call organizer and explain keadaan dia. Then dia tanya,
“Nak cancel tak?”
Organizer tu tak nak. Mereka willing to risk. Jadi Scott Adam proceed untuk jadi speaker. Masa hari event, dia punya nervous tak payah cakap lah. Seram sejuk. Tapi alhamdulillah dia berjaya cakap juga. Public speaking is scary.
Scott Adam ada cakap,
“When you stand in front of an audience, your sensation of time is distorted. That’s why inexperienced presenters speak too rapidly.”
Mungkin kita terfikir,
“Apa gila dah tahu ada masalah bercakap tapi still proceed bagi talk juga?”
Scott Adam beritahu yang dia ada relationship yang unik dengan failure.
“Failure…I invite it. I survived it. I appreciate it. And then I mug the shit out of it. Failure always brings something valuable with it. I don’t let it leave until I extract that value.”
Ibarat dia nak cakap,
“Bila kita gagal, apa yang kita belajar daripada kegagalan tu? Jangan biarkan ianya pergi begitu je.”

“If success were easy, everyone would do it. It takes effort. That fact works to your advantage because it keeps lazy people out of the game. I’ve seen failure as a tool, not an outcome. Failure is a resource that can be managed.”
Tentang idea
“Good ideas have no value because the world already has too many of them. The market rewards execution, not ideas.”
Ada banyak kisah kegagalan yang Scott Adam dah execute dan kongsikan. Antaranya adalah:
- Gagal dalam interview kerja
- Buat meditation guide dan hanya berjual 3 copy je.
- Bisnes computer game
- Psychic practice program. Dia dah spend masa untuk develop tapi tak rasa worth to market it.
- Dapat offer Gopher.
- Kerja dekat syarikat Pacific Bell. Dekat sini dia belajar pasal bisnes dari setiap angle.
- Ninja closet. Satu projek pasal nak beli hadiah untuk kids. Namun dia tak teruskan sebab nak deal with programmers dari India sangat renyah due to time zone and language issues.
(dan banyak lagi kisah dia kongsikan)
Goals vs Systems
“Systems people succeed every time they apply their systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do. The goals people are fighting the feeling of discouragement at each turn.”
Contoh goals vs systems:
- Losing 20 KG is a goal. Eating right is a system.
- Running a marathon is a goal. Exercise everyday is a system.
- Making a million dollars is a goal. Being a serial entrepreneur is a system.
Apa itu goal dan sistem?
Goal = a specific objective that you achieve or don’t sometime in the future.
System = something you do on a regular basis that increases your odds of happiness in the long run.
“If you do something every day, it’s a system. If you’re waiting to achieve it someday in the future, it’s a goal.”
Deciding vs wanting
Ada satu nasihat yang Scott Adam tulis dalam buku ni.
“If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it. Once you decide, you take action. Wishing starts in the mind and generally stays there. When you decide to be successful in a big way, it means you acknowledge the price and you’re willing to pay it.”
Dia sambung lagi,
“Successful people don’t wish for success; they decide to pursue it. To pursue it effectively, they need a system. Success always has a price, but the reality is that the price is negotiable.”
Simplifiers vs Optimizers
Apa perbezaan antara orang yang simplifier dan juga orang yang optimizer?
“A simplifier will prefer the easy way to accomplish a task, while knowing that some amount of extra effort might have produced a better outcome. An optimizer looks for the very best solution even if the extra complexity increases the odds of unexpected problems.”
- Optimizing = the strategy of people who have specific goals and feel the need to do everything in their power to achieve them.
- Simplifying = the strategy of people who view the world in terms of systems. The best systems are simple, and for good reason.
Posisi duduk
Dalam buku ni Scott Adam ada cakap, posisi duduk sebenarnya membantu kita buat apa yang sepatutnya. Otak kita akan interact dengan apa yang badan kita tengah buat. Contohnya jika kat posisi melepak atas sofa, kita mula akan rasa nak relax and do nothing. Bila kita duduk straight kat meja kerja, kita dah tahu tu masa untuk kita fokus kerja.
“To change how you feel, and how you think, you can simply change where you are sitting.”
So pilih tempat yang betul dan posisi yang sepatutnya untuk kerja – kerja penting.
Apa yang saya belajar daripada buku Scott Adams?
Bila baca buku Scott Adam ni, banyak benda yang saya belajar. Antaranya adalah tentang kepentingan untuk ada sistem sendiri. Kalau kita hanya bergantung kepada goal semata – mata, adakalanya kita akan down dan tak semangat untuk pursue something. Tapi bila kita ada sistem, kita akan tetap nak buat juga. Learn to rest, but not to stop.
Bila kita cakap nak berjaya, apa rupa kejayaan tu? Berjaya dari segi apa? Nak berjaya, ada harga yang kena bayar. Ada sacrifice yang kita perlu buat. Bukan sekadar tunggu kejayaan datang bergolek.
Tentang posisi duduk tu pun betul. Bila duduk di meja kerja, terus auto masuk mode deep work. Tapi bila duduk melepak di ruang tamu, kerja memang letak tepi. Position matters.
Hari ni kita gagal. Tak selamanya kita akan gagal. Belajar daripada kegagalan kita and win big.
Boleh beli buku Scott Adam dekat sini : Scott Adam