Category: Personal Growth
Kenali potensi diri sendiri
Pernah tak kita tengok someone ni semacam power nya? Buat itu jadi. Buat ini jadi. Apa rahsianya? Jawapannya, “They’re not good at everything, but they know their strengths and choose things that are a good fit” Tapi macam mana kalau kita sendiri tak tahu kita power kat mana? Peter Drucker ada tanya satu soalan, “What…
Macam mana nak buang habit buruk?
“Susah betul nak consistent buat habit baik” Nak tukar habit buruk kepada habit baik tu ya ampunnn… struggle gila kan? Kadang dah start buat tapi tengah jalan tergelincir pulak dah So macam mana nak tukar habit ni? First sekali, kena acknowledge habit buruk dan kesan habit buruk tu kat diri kita. Contohnya kita suka gila…
Macam mana nak fokus?
“Macam mana nak develop habit?” “Betul ke habit boleh determine future kita?” Soalan – soalan pasal fokus dan habit ni sedap untuk dikupaskan. Kadang tu punyalah beria nak buat, nak berubah tapi tu lah…. Apa maksud habit? Jack Canfield ada cakap, “A habit is something you do so often it becomes easy. In other words,…
Introvert’s system
“Introverts rely on the system. Regardless of how they feel or what’s going on around them, they stick to the plan and repeat their results. They streamline their process.” Build your own system.
That word alone made an introvert think a lot. Have you ever felt like you want to know new people but are too afraid to start? You know networking has a lot of benefits but when you want to do it, you are like freeze and stop yourself. “How can I go for networking if…